Has The Set Me Free Project™ presented to your school or business already? Or maybe you have our curriculum in your school or agency. If so, please send in your testimonial today, we would greatly appreciate it!
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Student Testimonials
Adult Testimonials
I have heard several presentations concerning human trafficking but Stephanie's presentation is the best. As a Grandmother of five grandchildren, ages 2 through 9. I believe Stephanie's approach to address the situation, by education, before it becomes a problem, is the best approach. I was very impressed with Stephanie's presentation.
Priscilla F.
I have been to two of Stephanie's awareness presentations for human trafficking. She is a very energetic, personable speaker who easily engages her audience. She is extremely knowledgeable concerning trafficking. The subject matter is very sobering but she has a way of adding humor while still getting the point clearly presented. Stephanie easily adapts her presentation to what type of audience she is speaking to; parents or students. She is an excellent awareness advocate for education, to prevent trafficking.
Debbie B.
I was fortunate to attend a meeting where Stephanie Olson and Sarah from the Set Me Free Project presented on Human Trafficking. Prior to the presentation, I thought I generally understood what Human Trafficking means and entails. Their presentation was not only informative but they were able to impress upon our group how easy it is to fall victim to trafficking. Working in the high school setting, I can now see how anyone can fall victim on many different levels. As a result of what our group learned, the Set Me Free Project has been asked to present to students at the school where I work. I would like to see the Set Me Free Project work with more area schools as well!!! They definitely caught my attention!!
Dede F.
The Set Me Free Project came highly recommended to me from other schools in our district, and I decide to integrate it into my Adult Living curriculum. I had them come to speak to my classes and Sarah did an amazing job of talking about human trafficking in a way that students get. It did not make the students uncomfortable, it just made them interested. I had several students tell me after she spoke that they'd changed the way they go about things on Social Media. The Set Me Free Project had a very positive influence on my students and I look forward to having them back for many years to come.
Amy B.
Thank you both for your time and energy in providing presentations to all Lincoln students! I appreciate how prepared you were and the way you connected with all the learners. Your ability to help kids be safe and remember their value is so important! Thanks!
The Set Me Free Project came highly recommended to me from other schools in our district, and I decide to integrate it into my Adult Living curriculum. I had them come to speak to my classes and Sarah did an amazing job of talking about human trafficking in a way that students get. It did not make the students uncomfortable, it just made them interested. I had several students tell me after she spoke that they'd changed the way they go about things on Social Media. The Set Me Free Project had a very positive influence on my students and I look forward to having them back for many years to come.
Amy B.